Tobacco Road CrossFit

Deliver a people driven facility which offers exceptional coaching for our athletes and provides an experience where each person feels welcomed and safe.
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All of our classes are one hour long.
CrossFit - Wed, Feb 5
Metcon (Weight)


:10 Min EMOM

3 Rep

SCORE: Heaviest set of 3

Can be TNG or Quick Singles

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

:20 Min AMRAP
3 Power Clean @ 185/125 lb

12 Wall Ball @ 20/14 lb

36 Double Under


Monday - Friday

  • 6:00 am
  • 9:30 am 
  • 12:00 pm 
  • 4:30 pm
  • 5:30 pm
  • 6:30 pm


  • 8:30 am 
  • 10:00 am 


  • Closed

We offer a fitness training program for EVERY PERSON!

This type of training is going to help you become stronger, without getting HUGE muscles. Your cardio conditioning will be the best ever, without running MARATHONS. Each day will be a different workout that will challenge you in as many ways possible. 

Is it hard? – YES! 

Should it be? – YES! 

But will you be glad of what you have accomplished? - YES!
The end result – the best shape you can possibly achieve! You are going to inspire and motivate those around you. Most of all you will be HEALTHY, improve your overall quality of fitness and longevity in your life.

Contact Us Here...

Head Coach

Ben Roberts

Ben has been in the fitness industry for the last 14 years.
Growing up he was active, played sports and that lead him to serve four years in the U.S. Air Force. For the next several years Ben worked hard, but denied his health. At the age of 35, Ben went to the doctor and weighed in at 304 lbs, 48% body fat and pre-diabetic. 

Ben attended a boot camp at the YMCA and that is where the journey began. Ben owned a fitness studio in Greensboro, NC for a few years. 
He then took an opportunity with a startup company that offered corporate wellness here in Raleigh. 

Once in Raleigh, Ben started training at a local CrossFit affiliate. This is where he fell in love again with helping people, the methodology of CrossFit and what it did for people. He then completed the CFL1 course, began shadowing and soon coaching. 

In 2015/16 Ben came across a once in a lifetime moment to move to Saudi Arabia and begin coaching CrossFit full time. After completing his contract, Ben moved back to the U.S. where he continued to work as a Site Director/Head Coach for a local affiliate. 

Today, Ben is pursuing his dream of coaching, becoming an affiliate owner and helping others achieve whatever goals they have.

Todd Fincher

Todd is a Level 1 certified CrossFit coach and is excited to be coaching at Tobacco Road CrossFit. He can't wait to help you towards achieving your fitness goals.

Todd attended the University of Wilmington where he earned a degree in Criminal Justice. He currently lives in Raleigh with his wife, 3 kids, and 3 dogs.

He has always had a passion for fitness, and inspires everyone around him to take care of themselves and their bodies. 


Brian Sanders

Brian found CrossFit back in 2015 and it changed his life. From the first workout, he knew he had found something that would become a lifelong purpose and passion. From the methodology to the community he found his home away from home.

Derek Blackwelder

In 2015, Derek’s wife Amy decided to try out a CrossFit gym near her office in Morrisville. She would work out after work and really enjoyed it. She knew that he would enjoy it as well. Derek grew up playing sports and loves being competitive. He played soccer, tennis, basketball and gymnastics. Crossfit was the perfect fit for him. After 2 years of working out, the gym in Morrisville needed some coaches. They asked and Derek agreed to get his L1 in May of 2017 and he has been coaching ever since. Derek loves the gymnastics portion of Crossfit and loves to coach it as well. His favorite movement is bar muscle ups and 2nd favorite is pull ups. When he’s not at the gym he enjoys playing soccer and watching all Star Wars and Marvel properties.

Kristen Proctor

After years in the fitness community, Kristen found CrossFit in 2011 and has never looked back. Not only did she fall in love with the sport, she fell in love with the community. No matter what box you step into, you will find your ‘people.’ Kristen received her CFL1 in 2014 and CFL2 in 2019. Kristen has a passion for coaching and loves to see athletes come in and conquer things they didn’t think were possible. Her favorite movements are squat cleans and muscle ups. When Kristen isn’t at TRCF, you can find her spending time with friends, riding her peloton, or being a road warrior exploring new adventures. 

Ready for Action?

8804 Gulf Ct. Suite C
Raleigh, NC 27617
Let's Get Started
Tobacco Road Crossfit
CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource
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